Horse = "I obey right away." Hmmm... we could spend some time on this one.... LOL!!
Actually, as I say that, I know the message is great for both parent and child. ;) The Priscilla Shirer bible study that I recently attended called "Hearing The Voice Of God" was really focused on that. Now, bear with me a moment. I know this is supposed to be a cutesy post about Kindergarten, but I am going to veer off course a bit. The bible study was more about what we do when we hear the voice of God... do we ignore it? do we obey it?.... do we try to bend it and shape it into what our plans are rather than God's plan for us?.... when we hear God we need to look for scripture that backs it up and make sure it is not contradictory to the Bible, then OBEY Him right away! That means do what He is telling us to do! Do WE obey right away? I love that this K curriculum has lessons in it that we can all learn from. It really is true you know that "everything you really need to know in life you learn in Kindergarten"! Okay, on with the Kindergarten stuff....
We really had to change this one up a bit and did a lot of reading. I just had my own ideas. We did make a list comparing horses and cars. We did not visit a horse stable, but with our cow study we did go to the Fair, so I used that fair visit to fill in the gaps for what might seem to some as leaving out too much. They did see horses there!! It counts! And we live in Texas... we see horses... maybe not up close all the time, but we do see horses. We repeated some of the activities in the previous post (MFW: Cow). We made horses to sit on our desks for the week that stand up. I hade the die cut, so I traced it on cardstock (and I scanned and saved the page for future use). I will share here. When you cut out all the pieces and clip the notched areas you can assemble your horse. I reinforced ours with a little tape to kee the parts toghether and taped toothpicks to the back side of the legs for extra stability.
The kids also did some mazes from a little booklet called Treasure Hunt.
We read a lot... The books we used:
The Horse In Harry's Room by Syd Hoff
The Cake That Mack Ate by Rose Robart (Great book for farm study. About where our food comes from... the farmer that feed the chicken, that laid the egg, etc.)
Horses by Monica Kulling
Farm Animals (reference book.. could use any book)
The Crooked Colt by Anderson (Great book!)
When The Leaf Blew In by Metzger (Great book for farm study. About a series of events that happen when a leaf blows in a disturbs things. Fun, because at the end it starts all over again!)
Shoe For My Pony by Friskey (So cute art! I love this book just for the art, but it does discuss on a child level "shoes and blacksmiths")
Flip by Dennis (Great book! About a colt that falls asleep and wakes up confused. Great moral to the story about believing in your abilities.)
Gidappy by Elsie Church (Cute artwork... can't remember the story at the moment.)
We did not read these, but they would be great options:
Seabiscuit by Dubowski (a level 3 reader) -- I did just check Amazon and this link will take you to a list of Seabiscuit books and there are various versions and some that look really cute for younger kids. The one we have is great for my 3rd grader, but I did not want to use it as a read aloud due to it's length with all my other obligations. ;) I picked more youthful, fun books to read for this one.
Black Beauty -- various versions available
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