When I see them making their kid's birthday cakes I know they are doing that as an expression of love. And then, I want to do that, also. In fact, I do and I can say it was something that I admired seeing others do for their child.
When I see mommas that watch their kids closely. I admire them. When I see them wipe their dirty faces. I admire them. When I see them hold their kids in their arms and cuddle them all day long. I admire that them. It would be so much easier to hand them off to a sitter, but they would miss so much. When I see them praying with their kids. I want to be more like them. When I see them talking calmly I want to learn to be more meek. When I see them draw from Biblical principles I want to learn to do that better. I want to be taught. We should all want to be taught! Life is so much about learning! You become who you are around, so it is so important to surround yourselves with good Godly friends. I find that I am drawn to that type of ladies and I am so thrilled to be able to learn from such a variety of friends. Some are good at sewing, some at cooking and meal planning, some at scheduling, some at advising, some are good at quietly listening, some are meek, some are more bold, some at gardening or homesteading, some at being good wives, some are good at being joyful and patient, some are givers, and so on. All have something to that I can learn from and I am so fortunate and blessed to have wonderful friends to become more like!
I love your heart Shannon. I can see the same sweetness in Savannah as well. I am blessed to know you both!