and want to
to all of you for your comments!
All of you have left me such wonderful AND HELPFUL comments! Thank you so much!
Catherine, I put that orange poppy there as a daily reminder, but I have not been looking at it lately. I will!!! I actually want to literally write a few of those things like that on the walls of my house. I thought about taking all the colorful "school" posters down and stenciling verses, etc. on my classroom walls.
Jennifer, I did decide to take the math slower than you are supposed to, but guess what? I have not been..... eeeekkk... my fault... We use A Beka and I like it, but I think it moves too fast. I want to slow it way down and I have to. I bribed Savannah and got some of the work done tonight, but now I am feeling ridiculous for it. I mean, really.... what did I accomplish? How quickly I forget that the whole reason I chose to homeschool was to spend QUALITY TIME with my kids. Also, our house is full of distractions as I am sure you can guess. I am holding a fussy baby or even a happy noisey baby while teaching and a two year old is throwing Legos around the room while tackling the baby or whatever. Meanwhile, I am teaching Kindergarten right next to Savannah, so she wants to watch some of that.... I mean, Kindergarten is so darn fun; who wouldn't want to do it!? I have looked into Math-U-See and it may be in our future, but I like the A Beka stuff on some level. I also realized that the My Father's World curriculum that I have been checking out uses Singapore Math and I got to thinking that it might be a good choice. I was all set to let her do her math alone tomorrow, but I am thinking that I might just play some cards with her. She will be shocked! I might through in some flashcards.... she actually likes some of them, but we never do them. I have the funnest set for doubles that we made together (I'll have to do a post about those). Maybe I need to do some more things like that, too.
Quinn, I have actually thought that she and Jared sound similar (which is why I had no real solutions to send your way... hehehe). Poor you, too! Seriously, I am joking.... they are a blessing and I keep trying to remind me that their differences are who they are. I don't want to ruin something special in Savannah just because I don't get it. Of course, I know that I was not doing nearly the level of math that she is when I was that age. I should just let her play and be a kid. On that note, we have totally cut back on screen time stuff. They are probably a bit in shock, too. Suddenly, everything in their lives is changing. They might be watching an hour of TV a day. They are not thrilled with that, but they are liking some of the new things we are doing instead. Both the girls have a Nintendo DS (from grandma), but they don't play much because they zombie out. They have not played in over a week. I wouldn't mind if they play a few times a week, but I limit them to mostly when we need some entertainment for them and I need something to do. I think seperating her for the worksheet stuff or doing on "her" time is going to be helpful... hopefully. I think we have got to add more game time to our home. There is so much to learn in just playing a game. And you are so right... "Anything that causes us to lean upon the Lord is a good thing and in that, you're day was a good day". I just wish in the midst of it He would drop a roll of duct tape from the sky for me to put over my mouth! ;)
I just had to do a seperate post for this because I wanted to make sure you all know how truly HELPFUL your comments were for me. Isn't blogging fabulous!! One day I am going to be saying, "I love homeschooling" and it is going to be due to the fabulous support I get from all my bloggy friends! THANK YOU!!!

I forgot to mention that my kids would rather play addition bingo than do "real" math. I got it at a used curriculum sale. I'm gonna go to the teacher's store and look for the subtraction one. That have NO idea that they are learning. :)