"Enjoy the LITTLE THINGS in life for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things."


What blog is about Intro

Come on in and sit awhile while I talk about the "Little Things" in life. I will share my journey of everyday life.... homeschooling, raising my children, homesteading, gardening, health and wellness, and real life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Discerning The Voice of God, Week 1, Day 1

I just started attending a new Bible study at our church called "Discerning The Voice of God: How To Recognize When God Speaks" by Priscilla Shirer. I want to say that is not something I was searching out, but it surely can't hurt. Anyway, I am thinking that I might record some of the highlights and my thoughts hear as the study unfolds and it might make me more accountable for my "homework", as well as, give me a chance to share something from the study that could inspire some of you.

The back of the book says:
"The Father so passionately loves you that He sent Jesus to die in your place. He desires a personal relationship in which He speaks directly to you. Have you spent most of your life leaning on these beliefs without really experiencing them? Have you been in the presence of passionate believers who shared stirring encounters with God's voice while your own soul overflowed with confusion? ...."

In our class the instructor began with introductions and then, gave us a Pop Quiz. Yes, on the first night! I thought she was joking at first. ;) No grading required, though... whew! Anyhow, I am not sure how far I will carry all my "sharing" of information because I like to keep some things personal, but I want to share my Pop Quiz. Ask yourself these questions as you go along. I'll italicize the question, then follow with MY answer. Remember that if you have different answers than me that is fine... it's a personal thing and we are all different. ;) So, here goes:

* Who does God talk to? Everyone, even those who do not listen.
* Does God talk to YOU? Yes, God talks to me, but often I do not hear him in my "busy"ness. * How do you know God talks to you? I know when I really listen and in those times I realize all the times I missed.
* Where does God talk to you? Anywhere when I "tune in".
* How does God talk to you? God talks to me through preachers, friends, bible teachings, email, internet.... endless ways.
* Why does God talk to me? God talks to me because He cares about every minute thing!
* What would you like to get from this study? I would like to "tune in" and understand discernment.

Keep in mind my answers were short and to the point and the questions were coming fast. I was shaking my hands to fight the writer's cramps from trying to keep up with the questions. I could have written much more for each answer, but time did not permit... which is just as well because I tend to be long with my words when I could be short. ;) I'm sure if you read this blog you have realized that, right?! LOL!

Due to copyright I will be careful that I do not reveal too much of the contents of the book/study. I just want to share what touches me and it is not meant to replace the actual study. In fact, I hope some of you will be encouraged to do the study yourself and it is all available through LifeWay.

The first week of the study is about "Anticipating the Voice of God"... we should desire and expect to hear from God. This prayer qoute from the book sums it up to me:
"Lord, heighten my spiritual senses to
see that which is not visible
hear that which is not audible
sense that which is not tangible
believe that which is unbelievable.
Teach me to sort through
the noises of this world to
hear and discern Your powerful,
wonderful, pure, precious voice."

We must EXPECT God to speak to us!!.....
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Proverbs 3:5-6

When we change our attitude.... when we stop doubting God will answer us.... and become confident that He will speak to us ....and expectant that He will speak to us.... It is then that God will begin to give us the directions we are seeking for our lives.

I just finished my "Homework, Day 1" and WHOA!!! I am going to get so much out of this... so much more than ever expected. Already, I can look back up at the last Pop Quiz question and see that I am going to get way more than I was even thinking last night. God makes no mistakes when He places us somewhere! Amazing! I can't share all my intermost thoughts here for now... maybe when this is all done I might share some more. Some of these Bible studies just get way too personal for me to put it all out there for everyone to read. Let me tell you this, though. On this Day 1 homework assignment there are two parts to write a prayer to God. I don't know if I have EVER written down a prayer to God. I just speak what I am thinking. I highly encourage you to actually pick up a pen today and write a prayer. It is amazing!! It starts to flow out of you in a way that I can't really explain. This particular study begins by telling you to write a prayer to God about the confidence you have in Him. A little later it has you write a prayer in response to God's command to you (this you get from doing the study). I merged my two to one prayer and it is so amazing to see it written down and the realization that I need to say this prayer daily to God so that He will guide ALL my ways to be more like His ways.


  1. That sounds like a really neat book,and I'm sure your study will be an amazing journey. Blessings!

  2. Shannon
    It sounds like a great study...especially for moms of lots of littles...you were absolutely right when you said, "often I do not hear Him because in my "busy"ness." We MUST "tune in"!!!

    Please keep sharing!


I love comments and suggestions! I read them all and I am so thrilled you are taking the time out of your busy life to share your words with me! --Shannon

Note: If you ask a question, check back here in the comments for my answer or check the little box so it goes directly to your email (if available). (This way others who have the same question will be able to read the answer!)