"Enjoy the LITTLE THINGS in life for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things."


What blog is about Intro

Come on in and sit awhile while I talk about the "Little Things" in life. I will share my journey of everyday life.... homeschooling, raising my children, homesteading, gardening, health and wellness, and real life.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

My New Venture: Plexus

Have you heard of Plexus? I would love to introduce you. I am starting a new venture as a Plexus Ambassador (that's fancy talk for a "representative"). I have researched it, prayed about it, tried it, and discussed it with my husband. What I have found is that it fits well with the health journey I have been on. It is my belief that overall health and wellness leads to the goals we want to achieve. Based on my research, Plexus can take us to the next level. Feel free to message me if this interests you. You can also explore my website at www.littlethingstx.myplexusproducts.com but please allow me to guide you through choosing products and explaining the details. ‪#‎plexus‬ ‪#‎alwaysroomforimprovement‬ ‪#‎itsstartswithhealthyinsides‬ ‪#‎drinkpink‬ (Did I mention it tastes really good?!!!)

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I love comments and suggestions! I read them all and I am so thrilled you are taking the time out of your busy life to share your words with me! --Shannon

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