"Enjoy the LITTLE THINGS in life for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things."


What blog is about Intro

Come on in and sit awhile while I talk about the "Little Things" in life. I will share my journey of everyday life.... homeschooling, raising my children, homesteading, gardening, health and wellness, and real life.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


No, this is not some spooky post with a play on words for the sake of Halloween.  I really am THRILLED and I wanted to let my bloggy friends know.  I am so amazed that that you are all still out there reading my lonely little blog on the rare occassion that I post.  I would have thought you would have all given up on me.  It is a great feeling to know that even when there is not a lot being posted that you are all still out there.  I am truly blessed!  And I am still reading your blogs, as well.  These days I do it much more quickly and I leave less comments than I used to.  I have often found myself thinking how far I am from the blogger I used to be.  I use to try to leave a comment on almost every post I read.  Whew!  I just have had to reprioritize my time allowances and now I try to stay off the internet during most of my time with my kids.  And a huge thank you the helpful tips that have been coming my way.... regarding my blog "mess" and regarding midwife/doctor issues. 

And just for fun.....
Here's wishing you your own THRILLS
on this Halloween!
May GOD bless you with lots of REAL THRILLS !!!!

And one more THRILL for those that might have missed it in my other post....
I am THRILLED to share that we are going to have another GIRL!

Blog Issues and The Big Reveal

First of all, it migt take me awhile to straighten out this blog mess I have here.  I think I have some old embedded html code from a prior layout that is causing my header portion to be all crazy looking.  Any tips would be much appreciated on how to fix it.  My new design elements are for http://www.thecutestblogontheblock.com/ and I tried another website before this and had the same problem.  My old template was from TCBOTN, also and I remember entering the code in a different way than the simpler way they have now.  I just can't remember the more difficult other way, so that I might take out the old bad code elements... and I have searched every aspect of Blogger.  I am truly at a loss... and meanwhile my blog is stuck like this until further notice.

But on to the fun stuff.... Time to reveal the gender of this baby that I have finally been feeling kicking around in my belly as of tonight.  There were some slight bumps over the last week, but they were just too faint to say for sure.  Tonight this little one was kicking HER legs.  Did you catch that?.... It is another girl!  It seems that pink is the dominant color around here.  We found out on my little boys fourth birthday.  He has been dreaming of a "blue baby" that he wants to name "Blueberry", so I was very uncertain how he would react to the news.  I started not to tell the kids at all for fear of breaking Caden's little heart on his birthday.  In the end my husband was really pushing me to tell them and the kids were begging to know.  I took a little trip to the store and bought a sweet little pink sleeper outfit and I wrapped in up in birthday paper.  When I got how I told Caden he had a present to open, but this present was for our baby.  I asked him if he understood and he really did, so I proceeded to tell him that he would get to open it for the baby.  If the outfit inside was blue, then it was a boy and if it was pink, then it was a girl.  As he tore it out he saw that it was pink and started jumping around like crazy and shouting with pure excitement, "It's a girl baby!  It's a girl baby!"  I was pleasantly surprised by his reaction.  Sierra was a little pouty later because she wanted Caden to have a brother, but I told her he was happy and that was all that mattered.  It really doesn't matter what the gender is.  God sends us just what we need!

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Blog Needs Some Work So....

You may see a big MESS around here for awhile, but that's okay because I am used to MESSES. I just hope I can clean this one up, if it gets too bad! LOL!

Got Plans?! Be Ready For Change!

It seems that I sometimes get comfortable and lately I have to be honest I was thinking that I am really in a comfortable place. I don't know about all of you, but that makes me nervous. When I am content and think there is a plan in place I find myself wondering when the next trial is coming... and how am I going to handle it. I have been calmly wondering what is up. Not to say that I had all of life figured out, but some things regarding our birth plan were just "falling into place" and I resigned myself to just waiting quietly and patiently for all the final details to "fall into place" as well. My thinking is that there is no point in worry about things that we have plenty of time to think about. I mean, I am only at 20 weeks now, so there is time. Anyhow, I am not saying I "expect" things to fall apart.... not at all. I just tend to think that life is a series of necessary trials and times of growth. Well, I like growth... even if I don't always enjoy the trial, so when I am not "feeling" the trial I am not "feeling" the growth and I want growth. I have been having growth, but it has not felt as intense. Does that make sense? I have totally had to step out on faith with the birth plans for this pregnancy and that has been a huge period of growth, but at the same time it has been almost too easy up to this point. And I like easy, also, so I was not at all complaining. I was just choosing to handle it in a "quiet and still" sort of way and go with the flow and trust that God would work it all out. Well, He is... but it seems He might have a different plan. The uncertainty for me is the trial that I did not see coming. I like a PLAN! I like knowing somewhat what is going to take place even if there are certain aspects oout of my control. I am okay with that. So the plan was to use a midwife and when labor began I would call her and she along with the other midwife that would assist would come to my house for a homebirth. And in all honesty that was the one detail that I was not completely decided on or comfortable with and was still considering another option of some sort. I was still considering a different location for the birth that was close to a hospital. With my history (4 previous c-sections) I would feel more comfortable really close to a hospital. Part of that birth plan was careful, constant observation and immediate transfer to a hospital, if we felt there was any danger. That was Plan "A".

So, last Thursday I went for and ultrasound and all went well (I'll get back to the u/s in a later post), but that evening I got a Facebook message from my midwife that said she had had a bad experience with a VBAC delivery the day before and she was reconsidering my case. Can you imagine my shock? I am at 20 weeks! On the one hand I have plenty of time to finalize small details, but on the other hand 20 weeks is pretty far into the pregnancy to be just starting to develop a plan... a new plan. The thing is not only did my midwife have this really traumatizing delivery experience she also had a meeting with her midwife group the next day and they came down really hard on her about taking on VBAC patients. And let me say that I find that apalling. I thought that midwives were our (VBAC patients) were our advocates. I thought they were there to offer us a way and a choice that doctors don't want to offer for fear of lawsuits. I would think that her midwives friends would be proud of her for supporting mother's choices. I am confused by that. But that is okay... I don't have to understand everything. I do realize that her license and everything she has worked for would be at risk, but that is the case with any VBAC case that a midwife might take on. There is always a risk of rupture and it increases with with the more c-sections that have been done; however, a VABC after one c-section could rupture. A VBAC after four c-sections might be the one that goes perfect.

So, I waited a few days and called her and said I really need to know, if she is going to drop my case so that I can start searching out my options. I got a call back Wednesday and I could hear by the tone in her voice that it was not good. She basically told me if I needed an answer now that she does not feel at peace with continuing my case. In a month or two she might feel differently and that God might be trying to teach us both something here that we have to wait out to learn. My problem is... I am already 20 weeks! How long can I really wait it out. In two months she may still be saying that she has no peace about it and I would be 28 weeks. So, I told her that I would let her know about my appointment next week... That is another complicated part of the story. She is out of town to deliver her grandbaby and visit for a few weeks, so I was scheduled to see the other midwife that will be present at the birth. This lady has advised my midwife not to take me on as a patient. I am having a hard time with that because she would be the assisting midwife at the birth and I think she needs to be on board with the birth plan, also. So, I am just thinking I should not go to that appointment in light of the entire situation. I have to drive an hour and a half away for this appointment when I may be dropped as a patient, anyway. I would rather stay home and get school done with my kids and accomplish things than have a depressing day. There is nothing about my health that is in question, so I don't feel I "need" to be seen. I also have a fetal heart monitor, so I am able to check everything but my urine sample and fundal measurement... and the fundal measurement is going up at the right rate I am certain. My belly proves it well. ;) And I have been pregnant enough times (7) to know that all is well.

Yesterday, I made a call to doctor's office that takes VBAC patients. Again, this place is one and half hours away. I am okay with that. The hospitals and doctors in my area (within 30 minutes) do not allow VBAC deliveries. Now I might point out that a patient has rights that say that if they come into a hospital in labor they can not be refused care. The patient can refuse a repeat c-section, also and the hospital must provide them with care. BUT that does not seem like a fun situation to be in. It is an option for me.... wait until labor and just go in for a hospital delivery, but I don't want to be stressed out in labor fighting for my rights to choose my own birth style. Doesn't sound fun or likely to go well. So, at this office I called (and I am purposefully leaving out all locations, names of docs, names of midwives, etc.) that will take on VBAC patients is supposed to be calling me back sometime today to let me know if one of the doctors is willing to take on my case. If not, my next option is to start searching out options in Houston and that could add up to an ADDITIONAL hour drive into the plan. Laboring on the road for a lengthy time does not seem fun, either. ;)

So, I pray for clarity as I sit hear typing. I pray that all the people involved in the decision making for this birth will get direction from God. I pray that the safety of this baby and me or the first priority. My case is not an easy one.... there is no 100% safe way to go. If I have a repeat c-section, it is not safe. People want to believe that it is, but I assure you that I have four and their have been problems. At the end I have lived and had a healthy baby, but that does not mean it was safe. If I have a natural birth, their are risks there, also. I believe through my own research and educating myself that this is the safer of the two options. I believe I should have a Trial of Labor after Caesarean (TOLAC). I believe that a TOLAC should be the first route to go with a back-up plan for a repeat c-section, IF NECESSARY. And there are signs. There are indicators when you are in trouble and need to change the plan. A trained midwife or doctor should be able to recognize the signs in enough time to take action. You don't wait until it is a bad situation to change the plan. That has been my feeling all along. I have never been set on "just getting my way". This is about SAFETY for me and the baby. That is all I want. I can't tell you how many times I have heard the ridiculous comment about whether I just want to be able to say I had a natural birth. If that were the case I would never have had the first c-section. It was about SAFETY. And I was being told that my baby might die if I kept trying to have her natural... I later found out this was not so, but that is not part of this story, so I will spare you. ;) Truth is had I not had all the hospital/doctor intervention I probably could have had her and my other three natural just like God designed my body to do. We live in a culture that trusts Science over God. I want my trust to be in God. Having had four c-sections I realize that I might be at the mercy of Science for intervention because my body has already been damaged by Science. If that is the case I will trust God to get me through that as well.

But I say all this as a message, also. It's not just that I want to share my current dilemna about this time in my life... this trial. There is a message here to all. If you have a plan and it is not God's plan be ready for change, because he is going to give us what we need. It might not always be in our comfort zone, but have FAITH! God's plan is always greater than our plan!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just A Few Pictures So You Know What These Kiddos Look Like

I thought I would share a few photos, since I am so bad about not doing that. Those little faces on my sidebar have aged by about a year and a half! Maybe some day I will update those! ;) For now I will just share a few snap shots that kind of reflect normal life around here.

This is Sierra doing a little of her math.... outside. We have been trying to get outside and enjoy the fabulous whether we have been having this fall. I wish it was like this most of the year! I could really get use to temps ranging in the 70s and mid-80s for the highs. Check out Sierra's giant marker she created while we were sitting here. She was quite proud of herself. I want to note that this year when I bought the new Crayola Washable Markers I was a little surprise by the solid black tube. I am quite impressed that Crayola made this switch for environmental reasons. The only down side that I have found is that when the cap is not on the marker you don't know what color you have. Or if your six year old mixes up her marker caps and you decide to borrow one you might want to read the tube BEFORE writing. Twice I have been surprised by the color that comes out on my paper. ;) This problem could easily be solved for pre-readers by putting a color dot or sticker on the side of the tube.

This is Savannah looking at her math book. She does a lot of "looking at it" as this is the first year we have used a textbook. She has had a hard time with this switch, but the math, Rod & Staff, is a great book. I am very pleased with the layout of the book. I do sometimes wish it was a workbook, though.

This pic is of Savannah, Sierra, and Caden.
They were ready to play cowboys and indians with another homeschool family. All those things are homemade stick horses. That mischevious grin that Sierra has is because she is pointing a toy gun at the camera. Caden is pretty excited, too. Can you tell?! Savannah is looking very tall and grown up in the pic with exception to riding her zebra stick horse. She will be ten next month and Caden will be four this week! Time is flying by!

I caught Caden "reading" to Sahara while we were doing some school work. This was a sweet moment. He was telling her about all the pictures of our family at the zoo in this little scrapbook. I love sweet moments like this because usually when they disappear for a couple of minutes around the corner it looks more like this.....

Ooooooh! That was bad day when Daddy got home.... we were very busy with schooling that day and time got away from me and we did not get it cleaned up before Daddy got home. We meant to. In fact, that is the only reason I took a pic. I thought I would show Cody what the missed out on.... but he got to see it himself. Not a good moment!

But you can't stay mad at this face long! Even with snack crumbs on his face he is pretty cute. All boy... All mischief... all mess maker and he is pretty good at recruiting Sahara to be his "partner in crime". They do get in a lot of trouble on a daily basis!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where Have I Been? Focusing! & Baby Update

Well, no where really... right here at home taking care of my little family. Sometimes I think we just need to focus on what we have in front of us. I have missed blogging, but I have been really busy and I have spent a lot of time focusing. I have been focusing on:
... my kids and staying on track with their school
... staying up to some sort of "caught up" on laundry
... being what things we "need" in our lives and eliminating the things we don't need
... on being still and quiet as I prepare for the arrival of this little one
... and many other things.

I don't always stay focused, but I have been making a better effort of it lately. ;) My husband is well known for being a bit ADHD and tends to drag me around like a crazy woman and run me ragged. Even for him I am simply saying, "No, go if you want, but you are going to have to go alone." I realize there may be some of you out there that would not agree with that, but I have to take care of me and sometimes (usually) no one is going to do that but me. And trust me I am not very good at taking care of me, but on some level I am taking a stand during this busy season of my life. If I am not asked with consideration how I feel and how it affects me when my husband is making his spur of the moment plans, I simply point that out and say, "No." If he is saying that he wants to go to visit his parents two hours away I point out that I have stuff to prepare for the kids school and they are obviously not going to learn if I am not teaching them. It's working. By the way, my parents live two hours away, so this applies to seeing them, also. I simply have to slow down and do what I can manage. If I can't manage it, I don't need to be doing it.

Now, just a little update on my pregnancy...
I am 18 weeks, feeling great, getting round, hearing a strong 150-160 range heartbeat, not feeling movement due to caesarean nerve damage, anxiously awaiting feeling movement probably around the 20th week, using a midwife and loving that they come to your house, not getting enough exercise :( , and trying to avoid thinking of labor for now ;) , feeling and seeing my varicose veins surface (bleeeeek), thanking God that varicose veins go away after birth, eating healthy.... I think that is about it.

I will be using a midwife and that is very different. I have had four caesareans and only gone into spontaneous labor one time. Because of my birth history I can not use our local hospital. They will not allow attempts to VBAC. There are a couple of hospitals over two hours away that will allow VBACs, but I have decided with the midwives recommendation to stay home. The midwife says that mothers just react better to birth at home and it is much easier on the mother. Homebirth is not something I am completely comfortable with, but that is the route we have chosen. And that is why I have trying to be quiet and still and focused. I know that I need calm all around me right now. In the event that the midwife sees a need to transfer to the hospital we will make that decision and be able to be there in under 30 minutes. If that happens I will have to have a caesarean and if that is necessary I will be okay with that. I feel I am in good hands and my midwife has a history of good judgment calls.

One last thing and I am getting back to the reality that is calling all around me... I LOVE this time of year!!! This is my favorite time of year and I love the fall weather. I hope you all are enjoying your fall and if you live somewhere as hot as Southeast Texas I hope you are getting the relief we are enjoying right now.