Well, I was planning and wanting to do an update to this post about being busy, but it seems that busy is just the way life is right now. I do want the ones who responded to that post to know that I did read your comments and it brings me great relief to know that my life is not the only wild life. On the other hand I know the burdens that you are facing are great and I don't take it lightly. I wish I could make it easier... Of course, I can't, but I know God will see us all through it.
I have written several posts about my recent issues with "The Passage Of Time" (in my Birthdays and Aging section... I am being lazy and not looking up the links). This is a HUGE issue in my life right now... a desperate struggle for me.... and not something I have been handling well. I have been contemplating some projects and huge job related decisions for my husband... how our lives would change for better... and worse... how important it is to be on track in our home life... that this summer could be the last Summer Break my husband gets and therefore, a chance at a family vacation that we don't really want to let slip through our fingers....yet, how do we take care of all the responsibilities that we have here.... and instead of vacation we could spend time with our families (our parents).... Meanwhile, everytime the phone rings I am still thinking I am going to get a call about my daddy, especially if it is at and odd time of day like late at night or on Sunday during church time. Thursday night the phone rang at 10:37 p.m. and as my hand reach for the phone and I saw the caller ID I was already thinking that something was wrong. My daddy had been admitted to the hospital for chest pains. Ten years ago he had a five bypass heart surgery. In February of this year he started having some chest pains. After testing he was told there was nothing to be concerned about. A couple weeks later he was admitted to the hospital where upon further testing they found he did have some blockages and had had a heart attack. They inserted a stint in his heart. He was told to take it easy, follow his diet, etc.... Hmmm... he says he has, but will admit that "maybe he should be a little more careful". ;) Well, he just had to go back into the hospital for chest pains and the initial tests showed that he was okay. Once again, an arteriogram revealed differently. The stint developed scar tissue around it causing a blockage (apparently there is only a 20% chance of this occurring). They put in a different stint and he just got out of the hospital today. Tell me.... just who gets THREE chances!!!??? It is a blessing! ... now hope he willl behave himself! ;)

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I love comments and suggestions! I read them all and I am so thrilled you are taking the time out of your busy life to share your words with me! --Shannon
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